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Dawson Drive, Hextable in Swanley, Kent


Planning & Architecture

Preferred Partner Involvement

David Archer Associates (Arboricultural)

Project Outline

This was an interesting project for WS Planning & Architecture which concerns the erection of 3 new dwellings and a parish council office building. The site is located within the built up area of Hextable where there is no objection to the principle of development. The proposal has been carefully designed by the Architectural team at WS Planning & Architecture to ensure many natural features on the site are maintained, including trees and hedges. Due to the varied architectural styles present in the local area, there were many different design options which ensured the development would be in keeping with the local area. The materials selected reflect the local vernacular of the area.
This project follows pre-application engagement with the Council to discuss the proposal before a full planning application was submitted. Prior to the application submission there was engagement between Hextable Parish Council, consultants, and Sevenoaks District Council. Providing both the planning and architecture for this project, WS Planning & Architecture prepared a Planning, Design and Access Statement to be submitted alongside the plans.

This was an interesting project for WS Planning & Architecture which concerns the erection of 3 new dwellings and a parish council office building. The site is located within the built up area of Hextable where there is no objection to the principle of development. The proposal has been carefully designed by the Architectural team at WS Planning & Architecture to ensure many natural features on the site are maintained, including trees and hedges. Due to the varied architectural styles present in the local area, there were many different design options which ensured the development would be in keeping with the local area. The materials selected reflect the local vernacular of the area.
This project follows pre-application engagement with the Council to discuss the proposal before a full planning application was submitted. Prior to the application submission there was engagement between Hextable Parish Council, consultants, and Sevenoaks District Council. Providing both the planning and architecture for this project, WS Planning & Architecture prepared a Planning, Design and Access Statement to be submitted alongside the plans.



Conditional approval at Local Level


This project demonstrates the benefit of providing extensive detail on the proposal. Due to trees on the site an Arboricultural Impact Assessment was prepared and submitted alongside the application. Providing the necessary details to the Council for the application ensures the best chance for a positive outcome.

This project demonstrates the benefit of providing extensive detail on the proposal. Due to trees on the site an Arboricultural Impact Assessment was prepared and submitted alongside the application. Providing the necessary details to the Council for the application ensures the best chance for a positive outcome.