Permission for a Marquee at Robert Denholm House, Nutfield
Project Outline
Both the Planning and Architecture teams were approached by our client in Nutfield to gain planning permission for the siting and use of a marquee for events on the grounds of Robert Denholm House. The permission was sought for the marquee to be erected temporarily during the summer months, so that functions held at the house could enjoy a covered outdoor amenity space. The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV), making the scheme harder to obtain permission. With this in mind, the Planning team took the proposal to pre-application with Tandridge District Council, where advice could be gained as to how to overcome any potential issues that may arise. The issues of most concern brought up in the pre-application process was the Green Belt situation of the site and the impact of the proposed marquee on the character of the area and effects on the neighbours.
Both the Planning and Architecture teams were approached by our client in Nutfield to gain planning permission for the siting and use of a marquee for events on the grounds of Robert Denholm House. The permission was sought for the marquee to be erected temporarily during the summer months, so that functions held at the house could enjoy a covered outdoor amenity space. The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV), making the scheme harder to obtain permission. With this in mind, the Planning team took the proposal to pre-application with Tandridge District Council, where advice could be gained as to how to overcome any potential issues that may arise. The issues of most concern brought up in the pre-application process was the Green Belt situation of the site and the impact of the proposed marquee on the character of the area and effects on the neighbours.
When proposal sites are located on Green Belt land, or in an AONB or AGLV, they are subjected to more policy constraints, and must adhere to policies regarding the character of the area and impacts on visual amenity. The core intention of Green Belt policy is to retain and enhance the openness of the Green Belt, which most proposed developments are seen to harm. The temporality of the marquees, only erected during the summer season in this case and the associated increase in business outweighed the supposed harm to the openness of the Green Belt, and thus the proposal was approved.
When proposal sites are located on Green Belt land, or in an AONB or AGLV, they are subjected to more policy constraints, and must adhere to policies regarding the character of the area and impacts on visual amenity. The core intention of Green Belt policy is to retain and enhance the openness of the Green Belt, which most proposed developments are seen to harm. The temporality of the marquees, only erected during the summer season in this case and the associated increase in business outweighed the supposed harm to the openness of the Green Belt, and thus the proposal was approved.