Croham Valley Road, South Croydon
Project Outline
The current proposal followed a number of previous applications for detached dwellings and bungalows on the site with previous dismissals at appeal stage. While several proposals had been turned down by the Council and Planning Inspectorate the principle of developing the site was never actually ruled out. Therefore the design rationale needed to assess how to make the best use of the site without causing harm to views towards the adjoining wooded hillside and green belt aswell as ensuring no harm to neighbour amenity.
During the pre-application process it became clear that a contemporary design could be supported providing a substantial amount of information could be provided regarding the design, detailing and materials. The contemporary design proposed by Go Planning addressed a number of key issues raised by the previous Inspector. When combined with the detailed Masterplan prepared by James Blake Associates Ltd and Architectural Visualisation by Turner Creative, the proposal met the exacting standards now required by the Local Planning Authority.
Acting as Planning Agents for the application WS Planning & Architecture liaised with the applicants and their external advisors to pull together the submission aswell as supporting the application with a detailed Design & Access Statement. In addition, due to the history of the site it was necessary for the Council to determine the application at Committee level. Planning Director, Spencer Copping spoke at the Development Control Sub Committee in support of the proposal, addressing the main concerns of neighbouring residents and local ward councillor. The application was granted on the night, in line with the positive Officer recommendation, with 3 votes in favour and 2 against.
The current proposal followed a number of previous applications for detached dwellings and bungalows on the site with previous dismissals at appeal stage. While several proposals had been turned down by the Council and Planning Inspectorate the principle of developing the site was never actually ruled out. Therefore the design rationale needed to assess how to make the best use of the site without causing harm to views towards the adjoining wooded hillside and green belt aswell as ensuring no harm to neighbour amenity.
During the pre-application process it became clear that a contemporary design could be supported providing a substantial amount of information could be provided regarding the design, detailing and materials. The contemporary design proposed by Go Planning addressed a number of key issues raised by the previous Inspector. When combined with the detailed Masterplan prepared by James Blake Associates Ltd and Architectural Visualisation by Turner Creative, the proposal met the exacting standards now required by the Local Planning Authority.
Acting as Planning Agents for the application WS Planning & Architecture liaised with the applicants and their external advisors to pull together the submission aswell as supporting the application with a detailed Design & Access Statement. In addition, due to the history of the site it was necessary for the Council to determine the application at Committee level. Planning Director, Spencer Copping spoke at the Development Control Sub Committee in support of the proposal, addressing the main concerns of neighbouring residents and local ward councillor. The application was granted on the night, in line with the positive Officer recommendation, with 3 votes in favour and 2 against.
While each local authority has a different set of criteria for speaking at Planning Committee it is essential that you register to speak in the event that a third party speaks against a proposal. Often there is an opportunity to address comments made to committee members and in some cases committee members are also allowed to raise questions or ask for clarification from speakers on the night. This application further demonstrates the need to front load applications with as much detail as possible in order ensure the proposal can be understood clearly by all interested parties and provide the confidence needed for decision makers to support proposals for new development.
While each local authority has a different set of criteria for speaking at Planning Committee it is essential that you register to speak in the event that a third party speaks against a proposal. Often there is an opportunity to address comments made to committee members and in some cases committee members are also allowed to raise questions or ask for clarification from speakers on the night. This application further demonstrates the need to front load applications with as much detail as possible in order ensure the proposal can be understood clearly by all interested parties and provide the confidence needed for decision makers to support proposals for new development.