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We act on behalf of business owners and land owners looking to make the most of their existing or future commercial premises.

The new use classes regulations took effect from 1 September2020, amending the Use Classes Order which groups different uses of land and buildings into use classes. A change of use within a single use class is not considered to be development and therefore does not require planning permission. The changes introduce a broad new commercial, business and service use class (Class E), including shops, financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, offices, medical or health services, creche, day nurseries amongst others. This generally sets a greater deal of flexibility for occupiers in the High Street than ever before. It also creates new “Learning and Non-Residential Institutions” (F1) and “Local Community” (F2) use classes. In addition, the former drinking establishments (A4) and hot food takeaway (A5) use classes have been removed, meaning that changes to and from these uses will require full planning permission.

If you are managing a property or property portfolio, looking to lease or purchase a new premises please contact the Planning Team on 01737 225711 or via email

Bar in George Street, Croydon
Pontoon mooring in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Children’s play barn at Waylands Farm near Westerham, Kent
External signage and lighting for restaurant in London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea