New cricket pitch in the Green Belt for Chipstead, Coulsdon & Walcountians Cricket Club
Project Outline
The Chipstead, Coulsdon & Walcountians Cricket Club contacted us to develop a strategy for obtaining permission for a change of use from agricultural to leisure use for a youth cricket pitch. Given the local Nature Reserve adjoining the site and local residents it was considered a Community Engagement Consultation would be essential to convey the clubs ambitions and ensure that a high level of support for the proposal could be relied upon at application stage. We held a public meeting at the Clubhouse and invited the Local Authority, Councillors and residents. The project was well supported and ultimately led to a smooth application.
The Chipstead, Coulsdon & Walcountians Cricket Club contacted us to develop a strategy for obtaining permission for a change of use from agricultural to leisure use for a youth cricket pitch. Given the local Nature Reserve adjoining the site and local residents it was considered a Community Engagement Consultation would be essential to convey the clubs ambitions and ensure that a high level of support for the proposal could be relied upon at application stage. We held a public meeting at the Clubhouse and invited the Local Authority, Councillors and residents. The project was well supported and ultimately led to a smooth application.
Community Engagement is a key strand of the Governments planning objectives and while not applicable for every application can be applied for larger schemes and local projects such as the new cricket pitch. WS Planning & Architecture carry out a number of Community Engagement exercises for all types of application including Housing Needs Surveys.
Community Engagement is a key strand of the Governments planning objectives and while not applicable for every application can be applied for larger schemes and local projects such as the new cricket pitch. WS Planning & Architecture carry out a number of Community Engagement exercises for all types of application including Housing Needs Surveys.