Erection of an agricultural building for hay and machinery storage in Tandridge District
Project Outline
Our Planning Teams advised the applicants and supported the application through the planning process. The proposal sought the erection of a machinery shed for their farm. As the site was located within the Green Belt the key issue was whether the proposal comprised inappropriate development. In addition, the site was also located in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV).
Our Planning Teams advised the applicants and supported the application through the planning process. The proposal sought the erection of a machinery shed for their farm. As the site was located within the Green Belt the key issue was whether the proposal comprised inappropriate development. In addition, the site was also located in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV).
Part of the planning process involves the Council notifying relevant consultees about the application. As the site was located in the AONB it was sent to the Surrey Hills AONB Planning Advisor who objected to the proposal. We wrote to the Council during the application process to rebut the comments made by the Surrey Hills AONB Planning Advisor and the application was granted at local level.
Part of the planning process involves the Council notifying relevant consultees about the application. As the site was located in the AONB it was sent to the Surrey Hills AONB Planning Advisor who objected to the proposal. We wrote to the Council during the application process to rebut the comments made by the Surrey Hills AONB Planning Advisor and the application was granted at local level.